Sworn Translation


worn translation was established in Brazil through decree-law 13,609 of October 21, 1943. It established, in its article 18, that “no book, document, or paper of any nature, which is drawn up in a foreign language, shall have effect in departments of the Federal Government, States, or Municipalities, in any instance, court or tribunal or entities maintained, supervised, or guided by the public authorities, without being accompanied by the respective translation made in accordance with this regulation. (…)”.

In accordance with this decree, every document issued abroad that needs to be presented in any public office in Brazil (at the municipal, state, or federal level, including autonomous agencies and mixed-capital companies) must be accompanied by its respective sworn translation.

A sworn translation works as an authentication carried out by a specialized professional appointed by the Government – being thus valid -, certifying the legality and ensuring the security that the material is a reliable transcription of the foreign document into Portuguese.

Our sworn translators are registered with the registries of commerce of the various Brazilian states. Therefore, our translations are valid throughout the national territory and abroad.

Some examples of documents that need a sworn translation:

Civil documents

Certificates of birth, marriage, death, divorce decrees and others.

Personal documents

Identity cards, driver, professional registration (CRM, OAB and others), passports, diplomas and transcripts.

Court documents

Processes, minutes, powers of attorney and others.

Financial and administrative documents

Social contracts, statutes, bids, agreements, balance sheets and others.

For more information, please contact.
(11) 3511-3800

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